And yet, another day of heavenly hell.
His grave has been replaced, with my sad and worn-through bones.
His tears have been replaced, with my hatred and conceit.
My life has been replaced, with remorse and sinful ways.
...I want to grow old with someone.
On my first try, too.
And I want to ride my jazzy next to them as we drive down 41st when we're eighty and too old to walk.
I want to fall madly, and head over heels IN LOVE.
I'd drive all night to find her happiness again.
I've never been one to underestimate the power of God.
Or the power of indifference.
But I can't help but question,
Is this really worth it?
Today, I progressed.
His grave has been replaced, with my sad and worn-through bones.
His tears have been replaced, with my hatred and conceit.
My life has been replaced, with remorse and sinful ways.
...I want to grow old with someone.
On my first try, too.
And I want to ride my jazzy next to them as we drive down 41st when we're eighty and too old to walk.
I want to fall madly, and head over heels IN LOVE.
I'd drive all night to find her happiness again.
I've never been one to underestimate the power of God.
Or the power of indifference.
But I can't help but question,
Is this really worth it?
Today, I progressed.

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